Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wine is wine...my concordance says so

My wife and I enjoyed watching the season 2 of 18 and Counting recently.  A little hum drum at times but we particular enjoyed the one featuring the wedding of their eldest son.  Several profound Kkingdom concepts were effectively communicated.  The biggest one being the benefits of total abstinence and the joy of Christian marriage.  Following them up to the door of their hotel room was more than I expected but it really is believers who ought to be bold in celebrating physical union.

I was disappointed by the pastor explaining why there was no alcohol served at the wedding.  The camera (at an attempt to make things more exciting but asking a very valid) asked why the strong stand on alcohol when Jesus miraculously made wine for a wedding.  The pastor tried to explain that the Greek word there meant grape juice.  A quick glance at a Strong's concordance would show that word 3631 used in John is also used in Eph 5:18

And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit,

 If it is just grape juice.....then why the warning?

Never mind that if consumption of alcohol was a sin, a clearer command would have been "Do not drink wine."

The church has really been straining a gnat in focusing so much on drinking and smoking.  I getting back to the roots of reformed faith it is notable the lack of emphasis on these things.

Mark Driscoll has a great sermon on this topic. My next brewing goal is a Chocolate Stout.

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