Saturday, December 27, 2008

You can judge a book from its title

David Dunlap in Limited Omniscience is a collection of contradictions after a slanted, irrelevant discourse on the history of some who call themselves Calvinists. Here is a sample:

“For no man can deny full responsibility for his actions, claiming that he was irresistibly led by God; for God never does violence to the free will which He has graciously given to man. God’s sovereignty and man’s freedom dwell side by side in such a way that the former does not force itself upon the later, but in some cases He does overrule for His highest eternal purpose.”

How is does God’s sovereignty “overrule” but not “force itself?”

He has a “preaching-to-the-choir” style which relies on emotionally loaded phrases to assure the faithful they are right. An alternate title might be What to tell a Calvinist about what he believes should you ever meet one.

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