Monday, June 30, 2008

The Bible and fad diets

I am drawing to a close a short Sunday School series on food in the Bible. Due to my lack of “disposable” time between family, an unfinished house, an approaching winter, animals(chickens and bees) and the estate grounds/overgrown fields, I had to draw on things I have already pondered and researched.

Why this topic? It is a big issue in my world. There are those who extol the virtues of a vegan/raw diet and make gentle comments like “Sugar is poison.” A simplified Kosher diet (avoiding unclean animals) is being toted by some, such as What Would Jesus Eat. While being considerate to their beliefs, I have wanted to explain to my wife what WE believed and why. Wives need that, especially the why part.

My goal was not to discuss the science or nutrition behind them. I am trying to operate with the possibility that they may well be right. I wanted to look at what scripture commanded, if anything, concerning diet today. These diet advocates use the term "God intended us to be healthy, live long, etc." I am focusing on what the Lord of Host said and did. I believe the Holy One of Israel does what he intends (Ps 135:6)

My goals in doing this were the following:

  • Preserving the simplicity of the gospel (Faith in Christ not Faith in Christ + Eating Right)

  • Encouraging fellowship (A huge, huge issue)

  • Protecting Freedom (I am tired of church being a collectively, total morality where we all must agree on everything.)

It has been interesting and today I was blessed by several people telling me how interesting the class has been.

I hope to write up what we covered, and perhaps flesh it out more in coming posts.

1 comment:

shawndumas said...

Douglas Wilson has been doing posts on Creation and Food. Great stuff that can be found here. (Reverse chronological order.)

It's great to have access to your mind (that is to say -- you) like this.

Even though it must not seem like it; I miss talking with you and yours.