Saturday, October 25, 2014

More Americans Renounce Citizenship, With 2014 on Pace for a Record - Total Return - WSJ

This is the domain of the Treasury Department? Hmmm. To paraphrase Princess Leah "The more you tighten your grip the more [taxpayers] will slip through your fingers."

More Americans Renounce Citizenship, With 2014 on Pace for a Record - Total Return - WSJ

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Spending my son's money on guns

Well no, I am giving him wise council.

So he's has $300 in the bank and his thoughts are easily turned to guns.  He wants something that won't cost him everything.

22 Single Action pistols are great to look at and fun to cock. They are also very slow to reload which makes them not fun for plinking.  Plinking being about all they are good for, with the possible exception of dispatching trapped critters.  The low end ones apparently have a lemon now and then.

Taurus 94 looks like a great plinker. It holds as many as a semi-auto (9) and can have quick reloads with speed loaders which are as inexpensive if not more so than additional magazines ($10 at the moment).  Cost is an issue with this one.  Maybe we can get his sister to split the $360 price tag with him.